Mini - 500g (R/C)
Fight | Result | Score |
15 | Lost to Bites The Dust | 1197.921 |
14 | Lost to Charmander | 1207.480 |
13 | Won against Power Man RC | 1220.230 |
12 | Won against FarmBull RC | 1201.242 |
Fight | Result | Score |
11 | Lost to KaBullto RC | 1181.459 |
10 | Lost to Kuroneko | 1199.283 |
Fight | Result | Score |
9 | Lost to Rei Julien | 1215.659 |
8 | Won against Dino (RC) | 1233.793 |
7 | Lost to Zé Pequeno | 1216.854 |
6 | Won against Bulvidozin UC | 1235.545 |
Fight | Result | Score |
5 | Lost to Phineas | 1218.672 |
4 | Won against Meri | 1236.154 |
3 | Lost to Harpy RC | 1217.500 |
2 | Won against Podolski RC | 1235.000 |
1 | Won against Vidar | 1217.500 |