About RoboCore's History Ranking

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RoboCore's History Ranking is based on the "ELO Rating", a statistical method used to calculate the relative strength between two opponents (which was created in the 60's by the American physicist Arpad Elo in order to rank chess players).

Each robot starts with 1200 points, and an algorithm calculates how many points each robot should gain or lose based on the current scores of each robot, changing the scores with each fight in chronological order, according to the following formula: P = 35*10^(L/600)/(10^(L/600)+10^(W/600)) where L = loser's current points, W = winner's current points. After a match, the winner's score is updated with W=W+P and the loser's score with L=L-P.

Special Thanks

We would like to thank Marco Meggiolaro who is a big fan of the sport and dedicated his time to help design and adapt the algorithm for this ranking.